- 2020 / 其它
- 主演:Cosson Chinopoh Faith Fidel Onyama Laura Prince Sube Mayorchu Godwill Neba Daphne Njie Ramsey Nouah Kang Quintus
- 简介:Ekah is determined to go to school in a village of fishermen where a girl child's education is
- 2020 / 喀麦隆
- 主演:Cosson Chinopoh Faith Fidel Onyama Laura Prince Sube Mayorchu Godwill Neba Daphne Njie Ramsey Nouah Kang Quintus
- 简介:Ekahisdeterminedtogotoschoolinavillageoffishermenwhereagirlchild’seducationisconsideredataboo.Herdri