



    • 主演:BBC
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      柏林是一个富有想象力的地方,一个记录所有历史的城市。当柏林墙于1989年倒下时,柏林人在历史长河中的慌张之旅告了一段落。在本节目中,间谍、告密人、双重间谍和冷战柏林墙的讯问者讲述了自己紧张不安的双重生活,梦想与梦魇戏剧般地重现出来。柏林墙是一道丑陋的混凝土屏障,它分开城市,分离家庭,足足影响了一代人(1961-1989年)。几百人(大部分是年轻人)因为试图逃往西柏林而被杀死。建造柏林墙的人认为,他们建设了一个英勇的社会主义世界。但是,柏林墙不断毒害、腐化、残害包围在它里面的人,建造者的梦想变成了梦魇。   Berlin is a place that is indispensable to the imagination, a city where history ticks all the boxes. The longest of all the helter-skelter rides that Berliners have taken through the playground of history ended in 1989 when the Berlin Wall shattered into a million souvenirs.   The Berlin Wall was the ugly, concrete obstacle that for more than a generation (from 1961 to 1989) split the city and divided its families. Hundreds of people, mainly young, were killed there trying to escape to the West.   The people who built the Wall thought they were building a brave new socialist world. But their dream turned into a nightmare as over time the Wall poisoned, corrupted and brutalized the little world it encircled.   In The Secret Life of the Berlin Wall, the dreams and nightmares come dramatically back to life as the spies, informers, double agents and interrogators of Cold War Berlin weave their nervy spells of double lives and double dealing.   Walls divide the world into two and this is a film with two faces - flawed heroes and heroic villains, traitors, compromised victories and sad defeats. A world of good intentions heading in bad directions. A world where nothing is what it seems to be.



      1.请问哪个电影网站可以免费在线观看动作 《柏林墙秘史》

    • 优酷视频 网友:《柏林墙秘史》免vip在线观看地址 http://www.jieetong.net/wangluo/194170-1-1.html

    • 2.《柏林墙秘史》是上面时候开播呢?是什么时候上映的?

    • 腾讯视频网友:好像是英国 ,具体时间你可以去 百度上面搜索一下。

    • 3.《柏林墙秘史》主演有哪些?都有哪些演员?

    • 爱奇艺网友:这个是由凯文·辛 导演的,  BBC  主演的

    • 6.《柏林墙秘史》评价怎么样?

    • 百度最佳答案: 《柏林墙秘史》评价很好,演员阵容强大,并且演员的演技一直在线,全程无尿点。你也可以登录百度问答获得更多评价。